‘Pollen’ is the Noughties indie revival-infused new single from Aussie band Dumb Whales.
This song is a big slice of nostalgia for me, but it doesn’t sound dated in the slightest. Fitting right into the dynamic rock scene of 2021, I really love the melodic guitar riffs which make this track as excellent and as catchy as it is.
I also really like the lead singer’s voice and ‘Pollen’ is a very promising track. Written in 2020 during the second lockdown in Melbourne, it’s an optimistic song, reassuring us that things will get better. That vibe comes through – I feel positive, and the timing of the song’s release is just as important in that.
Today sees the start of restrictions being lifted once more in the UK, the sun is out and I’m feeling good, and I have to say that ‘Pollen’ perfectly strikes that happy chord.
I’ve also had a little listen to their older releases, and they’re just as brilliant. Check Dumb Whales out (I absolutely love their name too), you won’t be disappointed.