Floating Room is the musical project of Uchinanchu American artist Maya Stoner. ‘Freakshow’ is the second single from her upcoming EP, ‘Tired & True’. The EP was recorded in summer 2019, while Maya graduated art school, stepped down as the President of Portland indie record label Good Cheer Records and took creative control of the band from an ex-boyfriend.
‘Freakshow’ is a laid-back folk-infused track, with melancholic undertones throughout the song. When she sings ‘everybody loves a freakshow’, it’s done in such a manner that makes it seem she is singing about herself, whilst the incorporation of an electric guitar at the end adds to the songs emotional nature.
This is where Stoner is in her element – when a song hits you in the heart like ‘Freakshow’ does, you know that the songwriting is excellent. It’s the perfect song for a quiet Autumn evening. I hope ‘Tired & True’ gets the attention it deserves when it is released on October 30th.