Today i’ll be exploring ‘Revelations’, the exciting debut album from Melbourne’s finest Sir Jude! I see no other way than to dive right into the review, as you will soon discover, these tracks are far too pristine to waffle about!
I am a huge fan of any artist that picks the opening track of an album carefully. Its not a decision that should be taken lightly. Its a decision that – if taken properly can reward the artist immensely. The start of a track should grab the listener but equally have the sense of a welcoming or new beginning (either lyrically or musically), ‘Revelations’ does this expertly with its hook “Reveal yourself too me”, teasing the seductive nature of the music and hinting at the experience about to unfold on the listener.
I am a complete newbie to the works of Sir Jude, but ill be a fan for a while with what im hearing from the following few tracks ‘Freakshow’ and ‘Secret Safe’ – with the latter track grabbing my attention the most. “Don’t you worry, I wont kiss you”, “One day soon I know you’ll learn to see”, may be just two simple lyrics, but within the context of the track there is only one word that can describe them… beautiful.
Trip Hop is the order of the day on ‘Preach’ with the albums only feature from fellow artist Maxim and it continues to show the strength of the song writing and arranging. In addition to this, my favorite track lands slap bang in the middle of the album with ‘Madonna’ for its synth bass and clever melodies.
Speaking on the album, Sir Jude said “I want this album to be the soundtrack to anyone who is at a standstill in their life and is desperate to challenge or break the emotional barriers that tradition and society corners them into”. All I can say is that this album does that and exactly that, as encapsulated by ‘MAMMA’ and the world and journey that the track takes you on… its the stuff dreams are made of.
‘Twenty Four Seven’ is the final charge of the album. Personally speaking, this approach to electronic music doesn’t call to me too much – but at this point im in too deep and I won’t let this detract from what otherwise has been an exceptional album because the appeal is there and the record is very strong.
Overall, as the album ceases to the beautiful melodies of ‘Fine’ I can safely say that words do not do it justice. You need to hear this album! ‘Revelations’ is out now via Sir Jude Records.