The Taboo Club are a five piece from Birmingham who formed in 2018 and have just released their third single titled ‘I Wish There Was A Way’. The single is certainly lighter than the deliciously dark sophomore single ‘Bible John’ which was heavily influenced by Nick Cave in style and direction. In contrast ‘I Wish There Was A Way’ has a more atmospheric sound of 80’s alternative/indie more aligned to The Blow Monkeys or Orange Juice or maybe even the House of Love and vocally I’m somewhat reminded of Wild Beasts without the falsetto.
The Taboo Club are certainly different to anything that I’m aware of around the Birmingham scene at the moment, their layered and assured mature sound, tinged with a distant gothic feel, oozes maturity in their tightly produced music. To create a song which is almost six minutes long feels righteously ambitious and they pull it off with some aplomb managing to avoid feeling clichéd. Not once does it give off the sense of being padded out, in fact it feels much shorter when being listened to and builds into a magnificently dark crescendo.
My only reservation is how this would transpire into the live arena? Arguably there really is only one way for me to feed my intrigue and that is to find out soon! Alas we have no current dates yet but surely they will be at a venue near you soon – remember their name.
Play it When;
It’s so beautifully layered I think its best played before a classically awkward British romantic liaison. Lyrically the song is much less than an obvious bedfellow to get you in the mood before a date but the whole package works, so go and impress your respective partner with your knowledge of this underground gem whilst whispering to one another in the alcove of some dingy drinking den.